本帖最后由 Hildolfr 于 2020-2-16 01:57 编辑 Grab a Corona and a SX LITE or SX CORE Pre-Production Unit! 中国新年结束了,并且我们回来。但其实,并没有,Corona病毒使发布推迟了。 这里说的Corona并不是我们在周末夜里经常喝的那种啤酒,而是一种病毒。这种令人遗憾的病毒已经使得中国的大部分地区被封锁,不得不说这真是一部人间大戏。 但令人很高兴的是,它并没有阻止我们完成运用于所有型号SWITCH上的SX Core的工作(除了Lite版本)——是的,它可以用于未破解的Switch和已破解的Switch。并且我们还有SX Lite(确实是原创的)用于Switch Lite。 因为SX Core是小规模的预生产型,所以将不会特别完美。但最终会完美的,所以现在我们需要一点点帮助来使产品符合大家对TX产品的高期望值。 我们在寻找200-300名能真的有意愿为深度测试而花费时间的测试者,并且能够向我们提供最终的BUGs、问题、或者在最终生产型产品发售之前需要改进的东西的报告。 BulaBula(如果上面的原文都看不懂的话下面的需求就不劳操心了) 最后重复一遍,这个新的产品所有版本的Switch都能够使用的。普通的未破解版本、破解版本、续航版和掌机版。但明显我们对没有破解意愿的人群没有很大兴趣~ 不管你喜欢还是不喜欢,这都会帮助我们把产品做得更好。(我喜欢这句话~) Chinese New Year is over and we are back ! Actually no, we are not, Corona delayed that relaunch. Not that Corona we love to abuse on Saturday's night, but this unfortunate virus that is actually blocking a big part of China beside also being a human drama. Gladly though, it doesn't stop us from working on the first pre-production run of SX Core for all regular Switch models except Lite – yes it also works with unpatched Switches as well as patched and Mariko. And SX Lite (original indeed) for Switch LITE. [img=400,0]https://team-xecuter.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/SXLOGOS.png[/img] Because it is pre-production and on a small scale, the products are not perfect yet. The finals will be, but for now, we need a bit help from the best of the scene to fine-tune the products to the standard of quality you expect from Team-Xecuter.
We are looking for 200 to 300 testers who are willing to commit time to really test in depth the product and report back to us eventual bugs, issues, or way to improve it before mass production starts. Please contact us if you have the skills and time for it. Obviously, you need to know how to open an console and make basic solder points – nothing really challenging here as far a the installation itself. But a bit more to bring us that feedback and find the hidden bugs the common mortal wouldn't. Please no need to write if:
  • You don't have time to really test this in depth.
  • You don't have the required skills.
  • If you were in touch with us before and we know you just want free stuff, we know who you are, we manufacturers all know each other, don't bother trying.
  • You can't fix your console if there is a little issue. Again, experienced users. We are not going to send you a new console if you drop your soldering iron on the wrong place of your console.
We already have quite a few names from the past, we will confirm when you email us. But as this product is pretty advanced, we would welcome a little more help. All *NEW* application must come with references from known trusted scene members. If you don't, sorry, we will just ignore your request. Again this is for ALL Switch. Regular unpatched Switch, Patched, Mariko and Switch Lite. But obviously we are not interested in people with regular unpatched Switch (grab a SX Pro FFS!)
Email us directly via 'wholesale (at) xecuter (dot) com' and we will soon have quite some info to show you. Testers are welcome to publish videos etc. as long as they do their part helping us improve the product. Credits or hate, it will help us make the product better. And we promise we will deliver something you will really enjoy. As always, enjoy! —< Team-Xecuter, Rocking ALL existing Switch in 2020! >—